People take their cues from the top executive team.  A united, high-performing executive team provides cohesion and focus for the rest of the organization.  If people in the organization observe the executive team working together toward a common direction as well as supporting each other in words and action, the rest of the company will follow their lead.  However, when the top team isn’t working well, the whole company suffers with lack of focus and absence of overall results.

“If you could get all the people in an organization rowing in the same direction, you could dominate any industry, in any market, against any competition, at any time.” ~Patrick Lencioni, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team

Do the members of your executive team possess these high-performer skills?

  1. Trust Builder: Are free to be completely open with one another, without filters.
  2. Conflict Master: Not afraid to engage in passionate dialogue around issues and decisions that are key to the organization’s success.
  3. Commitment Achiever: Able to achieve genuine buy-in around important decisions, even when various members of the team initially disagree.
  4. Accountability Embracer: Ability to hold others accountable for adhering to jointly developed decisions and standards.
  5. Results Focuser: Having mastered trust, conflict, commitment,  and accountability, are focused almost exclusively on collective organizational results.

Isn’t that why organizations are in business, to achieve results?

“To achieve results…this is the only true measure of a team” ~Patrick Lencioni, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team

I am a strong believer in executive retreats held offsite in a neutral location, to explore how the executive team is currently operating and what they need to change to increase team cohesion.  Team members learn that when the quality of interaction improves, so does the quality of direction and company results.

This facilitated retreat is fast-paced using The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team™ profile and is designed to grab the executive team’s attention and identify key issues in team interaction. A recommended executive retreat format is a half day in the afternoon, followed by a group dinner or event and a half day session the next morning.   Contact us at: or call 972 881-5282.