Many organizations plan Team Building Programs only to be disappointed in the results. Participants have a good time but positive changes are not implemented after the program. To be effective,Team building programs should contain 3 elements: Action..Reflection..Implementation

Tips to consider:

  • The Action phase, which includes the planned fun activities, should be designed to address workplace issues. Objectives should be established to improve such areas as: communication, problem solving, planning and goal orientation.
  • The Action phase should be designed to consider the needs and interests of the participants. Adult learners want to know why they are involved in activities
  • After the activity, a facilitator should gather the team together to lead a discussion in the Reflection phase. Participants reflect on what occurred during the activity.
  • Finally the facilitator should focus on the connections that can be made from the Action activity to… what was learned during Reflection to… Implementation of improvements in the workplace.

Are Team Building programs effective? Yes, they can be very effective if they include organized Action, Reflection and Implementation phases.