Work teams, just like our vehicles, periodically need a tune-up.  Could your team use a tune-up?

Tune-up Definition: The act of making small changes to an engine (or team) so it works as well as possible. A tune-up makes small repairs and adjustments not so much to fix something, but to help the car (or team) run more efficiently.

Symptoms your car needs a tune up include: stalling out, slow to accelerate, parts are not working as they should, and hearing unusual noises.

Your team may need a tune-up if you have noticed similar symptoms such as your team stalls out on projects, are slow to get started and yes….you might hear unusual noises from a few team members!

A team tune-up revitalizes your team with a common language of how to approach day-to-day work and provides an understanding of the skills necessary to create high-performing teams.  After a team tune-up you will likely observe:

  • Trust Building: Team members who are unguarded and genuine with one another, giving one another the benefit of the doubt rather than jumping to conclusions.
  • Productive Conflict: Team members who voice their opinions openly and explore everyone’s ideas to uncover the best solutions.
  • Commitment to Goals: Team members who are clear about direction and priorities and end discussions with clear and specific agreed upon calls to action.
  • Embrace of Accountability: Team members who feel responsible to perform their part of team goals and offer and accept constructive feedback.
  • A Focus on Results: Team members who value collective success and take personal responsibility to improve the team’s performance.
“Listen to trust your teammates, because that kind of flexibility and faith in one another is part of what separates good teams from great ones.” ~Tyler “Ninja” Blevins, video game streamer

Just like your car will continue to operate without a tune-up but delaying it could put unnecessary strain on your vehicle’s engine, your team can continue without a tune-up but it may put unnecessary stress on interaction and performance.

The Five Behaviors Personal Development workshop is a great way to offer a tune-up for your team. We look forward to partnering with you to accomplish your training goals.