Introducing…The Five Behaviors for Virtual Teams

Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team™

Not finance. Not strategy. Not technology. It is teamwork that remains the ultimate competitive advantage, both because it is so powerful and so rare.

Patrick Lencioni on Teamwork

Have you read and enjoyed Patrick Lencioni’s best-selling book The Five Dysfunctions of a Team?  The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team™ profile is the perfect solution for those who have wondered how implement the concepts in their organization. The Model introduces The Five Behaviors model in the context of a real team. It explains how the behaviors derive from The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, by New York Times best-selling author, Patrick Lencioni, and describes how critical the behaviors are to building a cohesive team.

The Five Behaviors™ Powered by Everything DiSC® Profile

Five Behaviors is a comprehensive, highly personalized, and accessible 36-page illustrated report that allows each person on the team, and the team as a whole, to understand how they scored on the assessment and how to interpret their individual and team results. The profile includes an introduction, a section devoted to each of the five behaviors, a summary of the team’s strengths and challenges, tips and suggestions, and a road-map to help teams create an action plan based on their results. 

Reinforcement Tools…The Five Behaviors™ Progress Report and Comparison Reports

The Progress Report highlights areas of greatest improvement and decline, offers productive points of discussion, and provides an action plan to help teams prioritize and set specific goals. You’ll be able to compare how a team’s performance has changed over time and highlights areas of greatest improvement and of greatest decline. The Progress Report is comprised of nine sections including:

  • Your Team’s Survey Results
  • Points of Discussion
  • Action Plan
  • Identification of The Team’s Priorities for Improvements
  • Specific Goal Setting

Comparison Reports are follow-up reports that can be created for any two participants to illustrate their similarities and differences. Based on data from the personality items in The Five Behaviors assessment, the reports are organized around The Five Behaviors model and illustrate two continua per behavior. The research-validated comparison reports can be used to continue to instill The Five Behaviors model and language and to emphasize the importance of the behaviors for both individual relationships and team functioning.

Rise Together

The Five Behaviors™: Personal Development

The newest addition to our Five Behaviors brand is here, created to harness the power of The Five Behaviors across the entire organization! The Five Behaviors™: Personal Development half day workshop teaches individuals to become better teammates using Patrick Lencioni’s model, to completely redefine collaboration.  Designed for the individual learner, participants do not need to be part of the same team. Rather, they can implement the skills and knowledge gained in Five Behaviors from one team to the next, enabling a culture of teamwork. The goal is to completely redefine teamwork and collaboration.

The Five Behaviors™ Powered by Everything DiSC® Facilitation Kit

Everything you need to successfully facilitate The Five Behaviors™ Powered by Everything DiSC® sessions. This kit includes a USB drive installed with a Facilitator’s Guide, which includes scripted sessions and experiential activities; presentation materials; handouts; PowerPoint slides with 40+ minutes of video; and sample reports to help facilitators prepare for team sessions. Also included are audio podcasts that allow you to listen to insights on each of the five behaviors, the team profile, and the Annotated Team Report.

A Five Behaviors™ Success Story

Microsoft Success Story with The Five Behaviors – See how the world’s largest producer of software stays innovative and ahead of the competition. Using The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team as the foundation of their Organizational Capital Program, Microsoft can develop their teamwork, the ultimate competitive advantage.

Learn more about The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team

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