As you wait on hold to speak to a customer service agent you think, “The person who answers the phone will probably not be able to help me.” And unfortunately, you are correct.  The agent has to check with his supervisor, or transfers you, or refers the problem to “the back office.” (I received that response the other day) Grrrr

Now let’s think about the situation from the agent’s point of view.  Day after day, hour after hour the agent can’t resolve customer issues because they “have their hands tied” due to excessive “red tape”, strict policies, and lack of empowerment.  Consequently, the agent either gets frustrated and quits or becomes a disengaged “robot.”

“You have to empower your employees to make their own choices and trust that they will make the right choices” ~Dara Khosrowshahi, CEO of Ubert

Studies show that empowered employees are more satisfied with their jobs, and it’s one of the biggest factors in creating a great customer experience.

Here are four tips for creating your Employee Empowerment – Customer Satisfaction Connection:.

  1. Promote Confident Leaders: The leaders you select need be comfortable in sharing their authority and have trust in their employees to empower them to delight the customer.  Leaders need to see mistakes as learning opportunities to allow for employees to take risks to fix customer issues.
  2. Supportive Processes: Empowerment occurs when your processes are established for customer-focused decision making.  Consider eliminating unnecessary “red tape” and  processes that reward speed over quality.  Implement tools such as a decision matrix, decision trees, idea list for correcting service issues, etc.
  3. Hire for Service Focus: Examine your hiring criteria.  Are you selecting applicants that have a natural empathy to connect with your customers?  Other criteria should include problem solving and decision-making skills, and a strong desire to help others.
  4. Continuous Training: Provide employees with continuous training on not only your organization’s products and services but also on your customer focused culture. Training tools should include role play practice and case studies examining how other employees have created a delighted customer experience.
“As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others.” – Bill Gates, founder Microsoft

Are you ready to build confident managers and leaders who empower others?    We would enjoy working with you to achieve your 2019 management development training goals. Or contact us at:  972 881-5282.

Best Wishes for a Safe and Happy Holiday Season!