Are you a courageous leader?  When you think of courage you may picture someone facing their fears by bungee jumping or diving with sharks.  Leaders consistently demonstrate courage not by risking their life during extreme sports, but by seeing the possibilities in situations that seem impossible. Courageous leaders are visionary people who….

  • Lead with strong values and principles, standing up for ethical practices
  • Question the status quo and implement revolutionary change
  • Provide honest feedback to employees and don’t gloss over performance issues
  • Accept a potentially risky assignment with no guarantee of success if they see long term success for the organization
  • Overcome feelings of failure and start fresh if a project doesn’t succeed
  • Become lifelong learners to renew skills and keep current on trends
  • Take responsibility for a mistake or offer an apology
“With courage, you will dare to take risks, have the strength to be compassionate, and the wisdom to be humble. Courage is the foundation of integrity.” ~ Mark Twain, writer and humorist

Here are four ideas on how to develop leadership courage:

  1. Develop faith in your ability to lead: Believe in yourself by assessing your skills and abilities and close any gap through experience, education, and other learning.
  2. Take the initiative to solve problems: Accept challenges, and be the first to speak up while also harnessing the power of involving others.
  3. Cultivate a principled reputation: Tell the truth even it means an uncomfortable constructive confrontation. Be a principled leader who communicates and models the values of the company.
  4. Accept calculated risk: Back up opinions with data to support long term results knowing you may have to endure initial criticism of your ideas.
“The most courageous act is still to think for yourself.  Aloud.” ― Coco Chanel, founder of the Chanel brand

When a leader is not only a role model for courage but also encourages other people to be courageous; it creates a workplace where people: volunteer to take on challenging work, feel free to speak out, accept accountability, and are less risk- adverse and more innovative.

We would enjoy partnering with you to achieve your leadership development training goals. Or contact us at:  972 881-5282.

Presenting for the fourteenth year at HRSW, hope to see you there!