Why Care About Teamwork?

Does it really matter if teamwork exists in an organization? What are the consequences of effective teamwork and lack of teamwork? “If you could get all the people in an organization rowing in the same direction, you could dominate any industry, in any market, against...
Making Your Vision a Reality

Making Your Vision a Reality

We’ve all met leaders who can create an inspired vision for the future of their organizations. Many are charismatic leaders who can inspire others and brilliantly paint a mental picture of how the future will look and feel. The big question is can they make the...

Making a Difference as a Trainer

Hold up your smart phone and consider this…if all the information anyone needed to know is contained in this device (articles, books, how-to videos, etc.), why would anyone need to go to a training class?* Hmmm…why indeed? This statement is definitely...

Cultivating Strategic Relationships

Human Resource professionals have heard for years that one of the keys to becoming more strategic in their role is to have strategic partnerships with other functions in their organization. Relationships don’t just happen however, they need to be cultivated, meaning...