Jun 1, 2012 | Newsletter
Everyone has expectations. We experience satisfaction when expectations are met and joy when we get something better than expected. When expectations are not met, we feel disappointment and frustration. If we purchase something and we don’t get what we expected, it...
Mar 1, 2012 | Newsletter
The saying “can’t see the forest for the trees” is a great description for when managers focus so much on the day-to-day details that they neglect to see the big picture. Managers also may become focused on the first solution to a challenge i.e.: the tree in...
Dec 1, 2011 | Newsletter
Vision uses the power of imagination to inspire the workforce to look outward toward what the company wants to be in the future. A vision provides a company with a purpose which the organization or team creates something of unquestionable value, serves customers in an...
Mar 1, 2011 | Newsletter
What are the goals for your organization this year? Improve customer satisfaction? Increase productivity? Reduce costs? To improve the effectiveness of goal setting, many organizations add a specific measurement and a target date such as “improve customer satisfaction...