Jun 4, 2018 | Newsletter, Uncategorized
A go-to response is one we use without conscious thought; it is a developed habit. What is your go-to behavior during conflict? What conflict habits have you seen your work team using? People respond to conflict in many different ways. Some responses are healthy...
Dec 5, 2017 | Newsletter, Uncategorized
Your Management Brand is the image people have of your management style. It’s about knowing who you are as a manager and what you stand for, and then finding ways to make that visible. Your Management Brand is the value or experience your employees can expect to...
Sep 12, 2017 | Newsletter
People take their cues from the top executive team. A united, high-performing executive team provides cohesion and focus for the rest of the organization. If people in the organization observe the executive team working together toward a common direction as well as...